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‘Glee’ Cast Covers Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ – Video

    Leave it to the cast of “Glee” to break social norms.

    This Tuesday night will be no different.

    In an episode titled “Prom Queen”, the cast of “Glee” will take on "Dancing Queen" from Abba, "Rolling in the Deep" from Adele, and "Isn't She Lovely" from Stevie Wonder.

    But the big news is they will also be doing a revamped version of the now infamous Rebecca Black song “Friday”.

    Black released her version of “Friday” last month and the world flat out laughed it into fame - not because it was good, but because it was bad. So very very bad.

    It was so bad that Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert used it in a parody duet on Jimmy’s show after Colbert lost a bet.

    Related: Stephen Colbert sings “Friday” on Jimmy Fallon

    And the website FunnyorDie did a “Behind the Music” parody that is one of the funniest pieces I’ve ever seen.

    Related: “Behind the Music” Rebecca Black on FunnyorDie

    But the “Glee Cast” actually nailed the song with their revised up-tempo version. I can actually imagine driving down the road with the windows open singing along with the beat. Okay, not really.

    Glee cast covers Rebecca Black’s “Friday”

    Related: Rebecca Black sings “Friday” on Jay Leno

    Follow InfoStar on TwitterSource URL: https://jeremysteaching.blogspot.com/2011/05/glee-cast-covers-rebecca-blacks-friday.html
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